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Zhouyi – Parts of Speech Tagged


The Zhouyi text here presented is extracted from the ‘Academia Sinica Tagged Corpus of Early Mandarin Chinese’.

This is a ‘tagged’ text, where each character is analysed and classified assigning grammatical categories from Classical Chinese, built on Academia Sinica own tag-set.

Tagging the old chinese and such texts as Zhouyi is an hard task, cause grammar principles here are more volatiles and syntactic or semantic criteria less stable:

  • Grammars of classical Chinese, and more, the ancient Classics, differ significantly from modern Chinese
  • Individual characters have a richer set of meanings in classical Chinese than in modern ones, which makes it more ambiguous to define ‘words’ from combinations of characters, linguistically;
  • Ancient manuscripts and Classical Chinese have no punctuation at all and this has been a severe problem of ‘sentence segmentation’, which gives rise to many different interpretation by scholars and editions;

Obviously, I find the Academia Sinica work a really insightful guide, looking at a character with a specifiec ‘grammatical shape’.

I create this separate work cause where you can navigate their ‘corpus’ by characters and many other conditions, it is not clear to me how to access to the complete text.

The most difficult problem has been the translation of their own PoS tag-sets.
After some worries and hints received I have built a gross-glossary you find in the paper linked below.

>> Link to the paper and data

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Fabio –

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